Abenaki of Vermont

Myths and Misconceptions about the Abenaki of Vermont
Abenaki people in Vermont have often been misunderstood and stereotyped. This page explores some common misconceptions and offers guidelines for better understanding.

Linguistic Notes and Ethnographic Terms for Abenakis
The Abenaki of New England, Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces represent a diverse group of people connected by related culture and history. This also explains the origins and use of such terms as “Indian” and “Native American.”

Measuring Seasons and Counting Moons in Abenaki
Abenaki Indian people have long measured the year by natural cycles – 13 full moons and 4 seasons – instead of 12 months. The names for these reveal the importance of seasonal natural resources and community activities.

The Abenaki History Behind Malian’s Song

Abenaki Language: Glossary and Pronunciation Guide
The book, Malian’s Song, includes several words in the Abenaki language. This glossary is a guide to the pronunciation and meaning of these and other relevant Abenaki words. It includes a bibliography of sources for the written Abenaki language.

Errata Sheet for Malian’s Song 
The first printed version of Malian’s Song contains a few printer’s errors. This is a list of corrections.

“Rogers’ Raid in Indian Tradition”
In 1962, ethnologist Gordon Day published his analysis of Elvine Obomsawin Royce’s account of Rogers’ Rangers’ attack on the village of St. Francis in the journalHistorical New Hampshire. Here is the full text of that article.

Other Abenaki Oral Traditions of Rogers’ Raid
A number of other Abenaki individuals and families also preserved oral traditions about Rogers' Raid. The account of Theophile Panadis, which corroborates and expands on Elvine Obomsawin's account, is transcribed here.

Reading Abenaki Traditions and European Records of Rogers' Raid
This is a longer and more detailed version of the historical essay included in the book,Malian’s Song. It includes excerpts from a number of primary sources, including Robert Rogers’ journals and French accounts of the raid, and an annotated bibliography for suggested further reading.